Building your Knowledge Library team

Learn how you can form a team of content creators that contribute to growing your Knowledge Library.

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Building your Knowledge Library may seem like a lot of work, but you don’t have to do it alone. You can give a team of content creators limited access to help you grow your Knowledge Library, all while maintaining control of official company resources.

In this guide, we’ll cover the different Knowledge Library roles and levels of access you can assign to your team. After that, we’ll get into some tips to make sure things run smoothly.

Understanding Knowledge Library roles and responsibilities

Understanding Knowledge Library roles and responsibilities

System admins
  • Can do anything a Knowledge Library admin can do (see below)
  • Can make other users system admins or content moderators, both of which can manage Knowledge Library
  • Can create (and assign) a custom Knowledge Library admin role to others so they can help manage your Knowledge Library too.
Knowledge Library admins

Knowledge Library admins are admins with permission to "create, edit and share Knowledge Library content". They can:

  • Do everything category editors can (see below) — across all categories of your Knowledge Library
  • Manage the Knowledge Library homepage
  • Create, edit, and delete any category or subcategory
  • Assign the category editor or category viewer permission to any user in your Workplace

Making someone a Knowledge Library admin gives them full control over the Knowledge Library homepage and every individual category and subcategory within it. For this reason, you should limit the number of Knowledge Library admins you have on the team.

Category editors

Category editors are people who have been given editing access to one or more categories. They can:

  • Can see all content that has been added to the category they were given access to
  • Edit the category cover page
  • Create, edit, delete, or reorder its subcategories
  • Access usage stats for the category or any of its subcategories
  • Access version history for the category or any of its subcategories
  • Make other people category editors for the category they've been given access to
  • Publish the category to others in the organization

Category editors can edit all content within the category they’ve been given access to. When you give someone category editor access, they can create, edit and publish subcategories within that category.

Create your roster of Knowledge Library admins and category editors

Create your roster of Knowledge Library admins and category editors

Now that you know about the roles, it’s time to pick out your Knowledge Library admins and category editors.

Selecting your Knowledge Library admins

Keep your Knowledge Library admin team on the small side. Your existing system admins and content moderators are usually enough to manage your Knowledge Library, but if you need a large team of people to manage content across various categories, you can create a custom Knowledge Library admin role and assign it to a few key people.

What Knowledge Library admins are responsible for:

  • Working with stakeholders to create new categories and to assign category editors to them
  • Keeping the Knowledge Library homepage up to date and organized
  • Enabling, and otherwise supporting, category editors
  • Ensuring your Knowledge Library policies and procedures are being followed

To create a custom Knowledge Library admin role:

  1. Go to the Admin Panel.
  2. Select Admins.
  3. Click Roles, then click + New Role.
  4. Pick a name for the role you’re creating. For example, Knowledge Librarian.
  5. Scroll down to the Content section and check the box next to Create, edit and share Knowledge Library content.
  6. Click Create Role.

To assign the custom Knowledge Library admin role to someone:

  1. Go to the Admin Panel.
  2. Select Admins.
  3. Type the name of the person you want to assign the role to into the search bar at the top right.
  4. Select the custom role you created , then click Save.
Selecting and assigning your category editors

Each category should have one category editor who is responsible for managing the content in that category. They can then decide to add more category editors if they need help building out the content.

What category editors are responsible for:

  • Managing the overall design and planning of subcategories within a particular category.
  • Managing the actual creation of subcategories within a particular category.
  • Publishing content by granting viewing access to a particular category.

Who should be a category editor:

Category editors are typically subject-matter experts, who are knowledgeable about the topic that’s covered in the category they’ve been assigned to. Here are a few examples:

  • Select members of your HR team should have category editor access to categories like benefits, travel policies, time off information, etc.
  • Select members of your IT team should have category editor access to setup and user guides for company equipment and work tools.
  • Departments should have category editor access for their own resources stored in Knowledge Library. For example, a Marketing category should be created and edited by select members of the team.

To make someone a category editor:

  1. Go to Knowledge Library.
  2. Select the category that you would like to give edit access to.
  3. On the category page, click Edit.
  4. Click Invite.
  5. Under Can edit, add people to edit the category and subcategory pages by individual name or by group membership. You can only choose one method for adding editors.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review your updates and click Save Changes.
Tips for managing your Knowledge Library team

Tips for managing your Knowledge Library team

Managing a Knowledge Library team is generally straightforward, but there are a few things you may want to plan for to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Create a Knowledge Library team group

Give your Knowledge Library team a place to make category requests, get answers to their questions and get advice on building great content. It’s also a place where you can link to some short training (see below), post any guidelines you have and keep everyone up to date on new Knowledge Library enhancements.

Enabling your Knowledge Library admins and category editors

Have Knowledge Library admins go through the short Knowledge Library Admin Basics class in the Work Academy so they’re comfortable with the tool. Likewise, have your category editors take the very short, but very useful, Category Editor Basics class.

Giving people viewing access

Encourage your category editor to tailor their category viewer audiences as narrowly as they can. If they feel their category should be available to the entire organization, let them know they should check in with a Knowledge Library admin first.

Generating notifications

When someone on your Knowledge Library team publishes a category or subcategory, they will be given the option to generate a notification for category viewers. Most of the time that’s the right thing to do. But when it comes to content that’s being made available to the entire organization, you may want to set the expectation that they get approval from a Knowledge Library admin before generating a notification for everyone.

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